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News Roundup: Updated HBO Max Subs; Disney and Paramount Investor Days, Nielsen TV Ratings; Streaming Fitness Apps; Roku Stock

Here’s a rundown of some interesting news over the past few days with links to the stories on LinkedIn where discussions are taking place: Roku’s stock chart over the last 6 months has been pretty incredible, with Roku’s stock going from $113 – $317. Once they get a deal done with HBO Max, expect Wall […]

As Quibi Closes Down This Week, Here’s Some Key Lessons All Companies Can Learn From

1. You have to offer something better than others in the market or solve a problem. In other words, you must have a “competitive advantage” in some way. 2. Good execs hire people smarter than themselves. Quibi hired a lot of very smart people, on many fronts, but then didn’t listen to them. 3. Collecting […]

Announcing The Launch of “OTTVIDEO.NEWS”: The Best OTT News & Industry Data, Curated Daily

I am excited to announce the launch of www.ottvideo.news, the best OTT news and industry data, curated daily, by a team of streaming execs. For the industry, by the industry. [Follow #ottvideonews on Twitter and LinkedIn] While many want to pull back in these current times, my approach is to do the opposite and double-down. Now, […]

Live Updates: Testing Super Bowl Stream Across a Combo of 50+ Apps/Platforms

10:47pm ET: And that’s a wrap! Congrats to the FOX Sports team for a great overall Super Bowl streaming experience. Very minor issues, as is the case with all live events online. Interested to see the numbers tomorrow, I’m guessing 3-3.5M simultaneous. 8:30pm ET: So far on the iPad/iPhone, the Super Bowl stream is looking great on […]

Disney+ Tech Problems: What We’ve Learned and What Needs Fixing

With the launch of Disney+ being such a big deal for consumers and the streaming media industry, many have been giving their take on what caused the problems, why it happened, or want to point to poor planning on Disney’s part. But the fact is, the majority of those commenting don’t have any details on what Disney has […]

How CDN Switching Blind Spots Lead To Rebuffering

Reducing video rebuffering can be difficult. One solution that many people are talking about these days is moving to a multi-CDN architecture, a topic I’ve written a lot about. But will going multi-CDN magically reduce your rebuffering and drive away all of your streaming ills? The answer, of course, is complicated. Going multi-CDN can provide […]

Special Session just added to the #streamingsummit: “Project OAR, Making Addressable Ads On TV A Reality”

A new consortium, led by TV manufacturer VIZIO, is promising to assemble the right technology platform and media partners to make addressable ads on television a reality, as soon as early 2020. The founding members include Disney Media Networks (which includes ABC, ESPN and Freeform), Comcast’s FreeWheel and NBCUniversal, Discovery, CBS, AT&T’s Xandr and WarnerMedia’s […]