Using Analytics To Create Better Content & Personalize The End-User Experience
At the Streaming Media West show, [taking place November 1-2 in Huntington Beach, CA] we have a session that will discuss how analytics tools can be used to produce more engaging video content. Learn the metrics content owners use to identify if content is sufficiently engaging an audience and how insights gathered impacts content owners creation and acquisition strategies. The session will also cover what efforts are being made to personalize experiences, reviewing the tactics used to create segmented user groups and target individual users. Speakers will have an open discussion about the gaps that must be bridged on the technology side in order to do better content personalization, prediction and the positive impact for content publishers. Confirmed speakers include:
- Moderator: Diane Strutner, VP, Sales, Business Development, Nice People At Work (@NicePeopleAW)
- Jeremy Stern, Analytics Architect, WillowTree (@willowtreeapps)
- Mike Flynn, CTO, Studio71 (@Studio71US)
- Brian Selander, EVP, Whistle Sports Network (@WhistleSports)
- Christopher Roselli, President, Founder, HOLLYWOODLAND
Register online using the code 200DR for a free “Discovery Pass” and get access to the keynotes, exhibit hall, discovery track sessions, and receptions at #smwest – at no cost – or get $200 off a full conference pass.