Best Practices for Search & Discovery in a Connected World
Connected TVs and other streaming devices enable viewers to watch entire seasons of their favorite shows in a single sitting and remove them from the constrictions of linear TV. As a result, content owners need to get smart about how to market, organize, and present their content in connected environments so that they don’t miss out on opportunities to gain new viewers. At the Streaming Media West show, [taking place November 17-19 in Huntington Beach, CA] this session will provide expert advice about creating an effortless and engaging search and discovery process. Learn about playlists, curation and recommendations, metadata, sharing content across social media channels, and ways to make sure consumers pick your content on their device. Confirmed speakers for the session include:
- Moderator: Sarah Barry James, Senior Reporter, SNL Kagan
- Emil Rensing, Chief Digital Officer, EPIX
- Phil Ranta, VP, Talent Operations, Fullscreen
- Hillary Henderson, Director, Product Management, Clearleap
- Simon Jones, Solutions Marketing Director, Ooyala
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