Monetizing Premium Content: How to Measure, Analyze, and Drive Value from Video
At the Streaming Media East show, taking place May 13-14, one panel will take an in-depth look at how premium content owners measure, analyze, and monetize their video assets. Whether the business model is subscription or ad-based, the lack of measurement standards across the industry makes determining value a very dynamic and challenging practice. The discussion will include insight into which metrics are worth capturing and analyzing, as well as best practice methodologies for analysis and thoughts on what the industry should use as a standard. Hear about the challenges content owners are facing and what changes need to take place in the industry to better measure the success of online video consumption. Confirmed speakers include:
- Moderator: Jonathan Hurd, Director, Altman Vilandrie & Company
- Domenic DiMeglio, VP, Distribution and Operations, CBS Interactive
- Campbell Foster, Director, Product Marketing, Video Solutions, Adobe
- Beth Jacobs, VP, Product Strategy, 3Pillar
- Micah Gelman, Director, Digital Video Strategy & Operations, Discovery Communications
It’s not too late to get a pass to the show and readers of my blog can register using my own personal discount code of 100DR, which gets you a two-day ticket to the show for only $695 and gives you access to 40 sessions and how-to presentations and 100+ speakers. You can also register for an exhibits only pass and get access to the show floor, both keynotes and all the networking events, at no charge. #smeast