Learn How To Build An Open Source DASH-AVC/264 Player
dash.js ushers in a new era of industry cooperation in establishing a sophisticated and freely available browser-based player for MPEG-DASH. Leveraging the Media Source Extensions being developed by the W3C, the player brings extensible, adaptive, multi-bitrate playback to a browser near you. At the Streaming Media West show, taking place Nov. 19-20 in Huntington Beach, you will learn about the architecture of the dash.js player, how it works with IE and Chrome, and how you can use it in your own projects. The experts will also discuss the governance model of the project, its future roadmap and how you can contribute to this cutting edge project. Confirmed speakers include:
- Moderator: Will Law, Chief Architect, Akamai
- Richard Leider, Tech Lead Manager, Google
- Ross Gardler, Senior Technology Evangelist, Microsoft
- Jeff Tapper, Senior Consultant, Digital Primates
It’s not too late to get a pass to the show and readers of my blog can register using my own personal discount code of DR13, which gets you a two-day ticket to the show for only $595 and gives you access to 40 sessions and how-to presentations and 100+ speakers. You can also register for an exhibits only pass and get access to the show floor, both keynotes and all the networking events, at no charge. #smwest