#smwest Presentation: Understanding the Significance of HEVC/H.265
The most recent video compression standard, HEVC / H.265, is expected to become the video standard of choice over the next decade. But as with each generation of video compression technology before it, there are key barriers to widespread adoption. At the Streaming Media West show, taking place Nov. 19-20 in Huntington Beach, encoding guru Jan Ozer will outline how H.265 promises to reduce the overall cost of delivering and storing video assets while maintaining or increasing the quality of experience delivered to the viewer. His presentation will address what H.265 is, how it differs from previous generations of compression technology including H.264, key barriers to widespread adoption, and thoughts on when H.265 is likely to be implemented.
It’s not too late to get a pass to the show and readers of my blog can register using my own personal discount code of DR13, which gets you a two-day ticket to the show for only $595 and gives you access to 40 sessions and how-to presentations and 100+ speakers. You can also register for an exhibits only pass and get access to the show floor, both keynotes and all the networking events, at no charge. #smwest