Content Preparation And Transcoding For Multiscreen Delivery
With the introduction of adaptive streaming formats, a growing number of IP-enabled streaming boxes, and the proliferation of handheld devices, content owners face increasing challenges for multi-screen content preparation. At the Streaming Media East show, taking place next week, May 21-22 in NYC, we’ve got a session that will analyze the key components of file-based transcoding and will talk practically about converting content for multi-screen delivery. Learn how to encode content for each device, the algorithm choices/trade-offs, codec settings, and the particular requirements of various distribution platforms. Confirmed speakers include:
- Moderator: Tony Lapolito, Director, Product Management, Cisco
- Kevin Louden, Product Manager, Telestream
- Tatum Lade, Head of R&D, Boxee
- Jeff Malkin, President,
- Gonzalo de la Vega, CEO, NicePeopleAtWork
It’s not too late to get a pass to the show and readers of my blog can register using my own personal discount code of DR13, which gets you a two-day ticket to the show for only $695 and gives you access to 40 sessions and how-to presentations and 100+ speakers. You can also register for an exhibits only pass and get access to the show floor, both keynotes from CBS and ESPN and all the networking events, at no charge. #smeast