Best Practices for Measuring Performance of Streaming Video
At the Streaming Media West show next week, (#smwest) Nathan Dye, Software Development Manager at Amazon Web Services, will demonstrate the best practices for measuring and monitoring the quality of your videos streamed to end-users. Nathan will provide practical guidance using external agent-based measurements and real user monitoring techniques, and discuss CDN architectures and how they relate to performance measurement. Finally he’ll walk through real-world CDN performance monitoring implementations used by Amazon CloudFront customers for video delivery.
It’s not too late to get a pass to the show and readers of my blog can register using my own personal discount code of DRF1, which gets you a two-day ticket to the show for only $595. That’s $300 off the regular ticket price and it gets you access to both keynotes, 35 sessions and how-to presentations, 100+ speakers and all the networking events, including the special MPEG-DASH event.