Video Accounts For 51% Of Total U.S. Internet Traffic, Here’s A Breakdown

Yesterday in NYC, Limelight Networks held their first financial analyst day showcasing some new products and more importantly, shared with the industry some of the trends they are seeing in the market. While I was not able to attend in-person, I was able to watch the live webcast, which has now been archived on their website along with the slides from their presentations.

Many of the slides contain some good details on market trends, the growth rate of certain verticals as well as details of video consumption on mobile devices. One of the slides I liked is the one below that shows a breakdown on the type of traffic on the Internet and the total percentage of volume it accounts for.


Limelight’s presentation also includes details on the mobile video market including a breakdown on the install base of different platforms as well as market sizing and other data. Some of the numbers displayed aren’t new to the industry, but Limelight did a good job of pulling together data from a lot of different sources and analysts all into one place.