SM East Show: Web Video Journalism, Future Or Fantasy?

News organizations want the additional ad revenue from video but often find they can't create high enough quality to keep advertisers happy, and outlets including the Washington Post, Newsweek and others have been forced to cut back on their staff of video journalists. So how does a news organization create a niche and build an audience with limited resources?

At the Streaming Media East show, May 11th and 12th, we've got a great session entitled "Web Video Journalism: Future Or Fantasy?". Hear directly from some of these news organizations on how they're using video now and what the business for video journalism looks like in the future.

  • Moderator: Craig Duff, Multimedia Editor, TIME
  • Bill McCandless, GM, Executive Editor of Multimedia,
  • Richard Tanner, Senior Producer, Video, New York Times
  • Bill Smee, Executive Producer, Slate V
  • Adam Najberg, Senior Editor, Video, The Wall Street Journal

It's not too late to get a pass to the show and readers of my blog can register using my own personal discount code of DRF1, which gets you $200 off the ticket price.