Moderator Wanted For Streaming Media East Panel On Mobile Video
On Monday we'll be sending the final program for the Streaming Media East show in May to the printers. Normally I would have a bunch of speaking spots I would still be looking to fill last minute, but this year, I got so many speaking requests and many of my moderators did such a good job inviting speakers that right now, I only have one spot I'm looking to fill.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 we have a panel entitled "Going Mobile: Is Portable Media Finally Here?" with speakers from ESPN Mobile, the Symbian Foundation, Motorola and Qualcomm. I'm looking for someone who specifically covers the mobile space who wants to moderate the session and is neutral when it comes to the topic. The moderator needs to have first-hand experience with using video on mobile platforms and have a good grasp of the business and technology issues at hand. If you're interested, please send me an email ASAP. Here are the details on the session:
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 – – 11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Going Mobile: Is Portable Media Finally Here?
With the latest iPad, iPhones, Blackberry's and Palm Pre's focusing on video applications, is portable streaming finally getting ready for prime time? How is the streaming industry developing and repurposing content for mobile streaming and what will the business models look like? What will drive the adoption of mobile internet usage, and what are consumers willing to pay? Come hear what opportunities exist today for content owners and operators, as well as how the business of mobile video will change in the future.