Looking For Moderators: Streaming Media East Conference
While the program is almost complete, I still have a few open spots for moderators at the Streaming Media East show in NYC in May. Below are the details on each round-table session. Ideally, I am looking for fellow bloggers or members of the media who are already covering these topics and can bring their expertise to the discussion. I need folks who are experts in the subject of the session and understand the role of a moderator.
If interested, please e-mail me ASAP and please make sure to detail your expertise of the session you are applying for. In addition to these moderating positions, I will have a few open
speaking spots to announce later this week. Keep an eye on the blog as once
they are posted, they go quick, usually the same day.
Tuesday, May 12th, 2009
Bridging TV And Broadband And Cutting The Cable
Streaming sites like hulu, CBS, ABC, and others have proven that savvy audiences are turning to their computers for entertainment, and in a way that's profitable. How are traditional and cutting-edge companies capitalizing on this trend? In addition to providing the content, how are they taking advantage of this "connected" platform as they deliver content? And finally, how will this affect cable companies that are losing subscribers to this new content source?
Media Framework: Video Publishing Platforms
A number of vendors offer video publishing platforms, the features and functionality—not to mention cost—vary widely. Some vendors focus their solutions on content management and monetization, while others are geared towards enabling syndication and interactive advertising campaigns. Adding to the confusion is the fact that different platform vendors have different metrics for billing, and costs rise as content owners become more successful. This session will lay the groundwork for content owners to better understand what type of publishing platform they need and what they should expect to pay for managing content.
Wednesday, May 13th, 2009
Reinventing The Ad Model Through Discovery And Targeting
While advertising has emerged as the primary business model for broadband video, it remains relatively immature. Key constraints include users' inability to find the videos they seek and limitations on targeting ads against particular content. This panel will explore how industry participants are addressing these challenges and starting to show results. Come hear the factors that are affecting the current business models for online video advertising and the hurdles that need to be overcome to truly allow content to be monetized on the Web.
The Impact Of Broadband-Enabled TVs, Gaming Consoles And Devices
With the influx of new devices, consumers no longer rely on just the PC for their online video consumption. With the number of new broadband-enabled TVs and Blu-ray players expected to be sold, along with devices such as the Xbox, Roku, TiVo, and PS3, consumers now have many ways to get their video fix. So what are the new business models that will be created from these new devices? What hurdles need to be overcome so that content can be monetized for multiple platforms? Explore with this panel the role of current consumer entertainment devices in this new convergent world and how these devices will play together to offer a superior video experience.
How Old Media Is Embracing Online Video and New Media
This session will discuss how converging media technologies are redefining traditional distribution methods; how interactive and on-demand services are changing; and how entertainment and news video is being consumed. Come hear from some of the leading publishers, broadcasters, and advertisers about the impact that video and new media is having upon their business models.